Kathryn Casey has extensive administrative and litigation experience involving CEQA, NEPA, air quality and water-related issues, and land use matters.
Ms. Casey has represented clients before city councils, county boards of supervisors, planning commissions, hearing boards and other local agencies and special districts in defending air quality and permit violation notices, complying with habitat conservation plans, and obtaining variances, conditional use and grading permits, and other development approvals and entitlements.
Ms. Casey has also counseled clients regarding environmental mitigation and regulatory compliance, and has represented clients in the state and federal courts, courts of appeal, and before the office of administrative hearings in litigation matters related to CEQA, NEPA, the Clean Air Act, Political Reform Act, Outdoor Advertising Act, and other environmental, real estate and municipal law issues.
Ms. Casey currently represents Imperial County Air Pollution Control District in air quality and mitigation efforts related to the Quantification Settlement Agreement, which involves transfers of Colorado River water and environmental impacts at the Salton Sea. Ms. Casey also represents the Port of Los Angeles on air quality issues and North County Transit District on environmental matters. She also represented the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power with respect to air quality mitigation at Owens Lake.
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2030 Main Street, Suite 1500
Irvine, CA 92614
tel 949.752.8585
fax 949.752.0597
2815 Townsgate Road, Suite 200
Westlake Village, CA 91361
tel 805.230.0023
fax 805.230.008